Saturday, June 10

Share your Recipes!

So, as I was looking over the blog today I realized there isn't a place for people to share their recipes. And that is something that I strongly encourage in the cooking world. If we keep our recipes secret then there's no sense of community around the food we eat.

There is one guideline for posting, however. I'd like to keep the food on the blog centered around stories. There are so many stories that come with creating what we eat, and part of my love for food is to experience everyone's different stories. So, email me your recipes along with a short blurb about why it's special to you/a story about cooking it for your friends and family/interesting antidotes about where you found the recipe.... basically, anything you want. And then I'll put it up on the blog. Be sure to include all the information about you that you'd like me to post with your recipe.

In the meantime, enjoy life, food, and the blog!


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